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Shoreline Buffers, Rain Gardens & Grade Stabilization

Eco-friendly landscaping is the use of lawn-care and gardening practices that minimize the negative impact on the environment. These practices include the use of native plants suitable to your climate and soil conditions, the use of organic fertilizers, using plants that do not require large amounts of watering,and landscape designs that reduce the amount of storm water run-off.

Here at Gould's, we have implemented the use of rain gardens, Shoreline plant buffers, and natural septic plantings, as well as the use of alternative paving systems, such as permeable pavers and permeable grass pave systems, to allow water to be absorbed into the ground, rather than run-off into the watershed areas.

We are also the first landscaping company in the Lake George area to have BeGreen certified organic fertilizer applicators on staff. 7 of our current employees took the BeGreen classes offered by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and are now certified to offer organic fertilizer programs to our customers. More information on the BeGreen program can be found here, or by clicking on the BeGreen Logo on this page.

*2 of our Eco-Friendly projects were recently featured in the Lake George Association's monthly newsletter. Click on the links below to read each article.

Rain Gardens, Shoreline Buffers, Septic Plantings, and grade stabilization

Gould's Lawn & Landscaping | Tel: (518) 745-8281 Fax: (518) 499-1515